Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Everything I know about a low-waste lifestyle I learned from my family

Frugality doesn’t just save money – it helps save the environment, too.

USA Today Fail: Trump Science Column by Corporate Front Group

This type of speculation is not normal; it’s not acceptable.

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Trump administration fails to meet reunification deadline for immigrant children, Neighbors call cops on 12-year-old black kid for delivering newspapers, Trump pardons Oregon ranchers, and more.

Republican part-time nation: Going involuntary

Providing security to the nation’s workers is obviously not the Trump-Ryan agenda.

Solidarity includes wearing a mask at protests

There are many things we have no control over as we keep pushing to change the political direction of the United States. Whether we wear a mask isn’t one of them.

America’s health is in the hands of GOP frat boys

Trump and his Republican allies don’t care about health care. They’re just out to look busy and cut taxes for the rich.

How A Right-Wing Media Myth Made It Into Oral Arguments For A Case Challenging...

Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller is relying on a common right-wing media myth to justify medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion.

As hunger soars across nation, US trade & foreign policy is also causing hunger...

Hunger was already at alarming levels in the U.S. before the pandemic, and it’s only gotten worse.

New initiative aims to mobilize the restaurant industry to fight climate change

Restore California will fund farmers to switch to regenerative agriculture practices.

If you think vaccine mandate pushback is bad…

At some point, governments will start using more sticks than carrots to break our deadly dependence on fossil fuels. How will humanity respond?