Sunday, May 19, 2024

Facing famine, 20 million people need food, not bombs

Famine in these four countries is avoidable.

How the pandemic hit Americans

Selective in its impact, the virus has struck the homeless hard...

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, September 26

Bill Cosby sentenced to prison, UN condemns U.S. for lack of universal health care, Montana judge restores grizzly bears' protection, and more.

States halt new water shutoffs, leaves previously disconnected households without water amidst coronavirus pandemic

Our country needs a national ban on water shutoffs for nonpayment with immediate restoration of service to all families who have lost water for an inability to pay their water bills."

EPA is failing to protect school children from asbestos, internal watchdog agency says

"Without compliance inspections, the EPA cannot know whether schools pose an actual risk of asbestos exposure to students and personnel."

Mental health illness: a global tragedy by design

The world we are living in, with its constant noise, demands and pressures; the destructive ideologies, divisions and unjust systems, works against such inner quiet and mental well-being.

Superbugs killing twice as many people as government says

We reach more than 5,000 deaths just with resistant E.coli alone. If we add in the other resistant bugs we get to almost 12,000 deaths.

Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, August 21

Microplastics in beer, CNN "fact check" on Medicare for All is bogus, ZInke caught red handed trying to sell off public lands, and more.

North Dakota’s oil spill record: 85 pipeline accidents in 20 years

A new study finds that Standing Rock protesters’ concerns about the DAPL pipeline are well founded.