Sunday, May 5, 2024

Hillary Clinton’s Support for GMOs Confirmed by Gates Foundation

Hillary Clinton, who is currently in a race with anti-GMO Senator Bernie Sanders to become the Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate, is coming under increasing pressure following a series of revelations regarding her ties to Monsanto and the Biotech Industry.

Coronavirus pandemic in US fueled by stunted CDC budget & lack of access to...

We are joined by two epidemiologists to examine the response so far around the world and in the United States.

For some Indigenous, COVID presents possibility of cultural extinction, says Myrna Cunningham

For Indigenous peoples, actions must be collective, not only individual.

Prescription Painkiller Deaths Have Dropped 25% In States That Legalized Marijuana

In all states that have legalized medical marijuana, there has been a 25% reduction in deaths related to the overdose of legally prescribed painkillers.

The Food Label a Majority of Shoppers Look for Remains Meaningless

A new survey found that ‘natural’ is still in demand and still doesn’t mean what people think it does.

Brazil becomes the newest country to refuse GMO imports from the United States

As of 2015 there were 38 countries that had banned GM crops.

Will the coronavirus kill globalization?

The Spanish flu helped herald the collapse of the first wave of modern globalization. A century later, could the coronavirus do the same?

My Covid-19 teaching year

A world unraveling amid smoke and death and how one teacher and her students dealt with it.

7 ways to make an even bigger impact when you divest from DAPL

Closing your bank account is just the beginning.

Veterans Affairs official downplays Agent Orange risks, questions critics

Members of Congress who are leaders on veterans' issues said the VA has an obligation to care for vets injured by Agent Orange.