Friday, May 3, 2024

It’s Farmer v. Monsanto in court fight over dicamba herbicide

Bader Farms claims Monsanto induces farmers to buy dicamba-tolerant seeds.

$3,278 ER visit for coughing fits and fever amid Covid-19 pandemic highlights failure of...

“Congress and insurers have made all of these promises to waive copays for treatment and testing but we’re hearing that's not always the reality.”

Washington becomes first state to sue Monsanto over PCBs, accused of knowing its toxicity...

Washington’s lawsuit comes just days before shareholders decide on Bayer AG’s $66 billion acquisition of Monsanto that would create the world’s largest seed and pesticide company.

A drug to treat a rare disease used to cost patients $0. Now, it’s...

"The egregious price set by Catalyst cannot be allowed to stand. Patients in America should not be allowed to suffer or die because of the greed of a drug company."

Leaked Emails Claim Snyder Administration Withheld Lead Testing Results

Snyder has denied he improperly delayed the release of lead testing results in city schools conducted in October.

Grocery store opens world’s first plastic-free aisle

This comes at a time when unnecessary plastic pollution is a growing global concern that is affecting our oceans, habitats and food chains.

Vulture capitalists circle above Puerto Rico prey

As people in Puerto Rico are dying and President Trump lashes out at San Juan's mayor, Bill talks with social anthropologist Yarimar Bonilla about the challenges Puerto Ricans face in the wake of the storm.

“Voices being ignored”: Regulators fail to enforce water-pollution laws in communities of color

"For communities already facing severe burdens due to racism, social conditions, and/or environmental and health hazards, the inability to turn on a tap and receive clean, safe water is particularly devastating—and unjust."

Report finds microplastics in more than 90% of table salt

People could be ingesting approximately 2,000 microplastics each year through commercial salt alone without knowing how harmful the effects could be.