Friday, July 26, 2024

A Democratic spring: 12 left challengers taking on the party establishment in 2018

The scattering of challenges to the Democratic establishment after Bernie Sanders’ run has become a tidal wave.

Progressive Briefing for Friday, August 17, 2018

Words from the Unite the Right organizer, Trump's military parade is costing millions, Glyphosate found in popular children's foods, and more.

Chemicals on our food: When “safe” may not really be safe

Scientific scrutiny of pesticide residue in food grows; regulatory protections questioned.

BREAKING: 12 dead after mass shooting took place at a bar in California

The gunman, Ian David Long, who was a Marine Corps veteran, killed at least 12 people at the bar and country music hall in Thousand Oaks.

California approves $44 million electric vehicle infrastructure program

"This decision is another step toward meeting California’s deep decarbonization and ambitious transportation electrification goals."

An acid test for the self-righteous right

The fate of a suspected pedophile Senate nominee is now an acid test of Republican morality.

Trump administration and California are on collision course over vehicle emissions rules

It sets up an unprecedented legal battle between California and the federal government while breaking with decades of practice on regulating tailpipe pollution.

Trump’s failed coronavirus response Part 2

There was no national response. No national standards. Governors and mayors haphazardly closed businesses and schools.

15,000 Abandoned Uranium Mines Protested At DC EPA Headquarters

The groups addressed extreme water contamination, surface strip coal mining and power plants burning coal-laced with radioactive particles, radioactive waste from oil well drilling in the Bakken Oil Range, mill tailings, waste storage, and renewed mining threats to sacred places such as Mt. Taylor in New Mexico.

Sanders, Jayapal plan would tax Wall Street speculation to fund tuition-free college

"The time is long overdue to make public colleges and universities tuition-free and debt-free for working families."