Tell Target to end handing out single-use plastic bags
Tell Target to eliminate plastic bags from its checkout counters.
Tell the EPA to ban dangerous pesticides
It's time the EPA bans dangerous pesticides and puts the health of humans and the environment first.
Stop the illegal poaching of sea turtles
Sign the petition to stop the illegal poaching of sea turtles.
Tell Congress to pass the Stop Wall Street Looting Act
Sign the petition and help us tell Congress to consider the Stop Wall Street Looting Act as the first step towards halting these abusive practices.
Stop social media platforms from spreading hateful content
Tell social media platforms to stop the spread of hateful content online.
Tell Congress to #StopLine3
Congress must stop the expansion of a dying tar sands industry and #StopLine3 construction immediately.
Stop the USFWS from abandoning the wild red wolf
Sign the petition to stop the USFWS from abandoning the wild red wolf.
Encourage Congress to ban factory farms
It is time we fight back and support animal welfare, our environment, and what we put on our dinner plates!
No #DAPL: Tell Congress to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline
Tell Congress to shut down DAPL and restore tribal sovereignty, protect our waterways, and our climate.
Urge Biden administration to cancel student loan debt
Let us join the organizations, activists and lawmakers out there and pressure the Biden administration to help the young adults of this nation be released from the debt acquired while furthering their educations.