Thursday, April 25, 2024

Tell the Norwegian government to halt all hunting on endangered wolves

Help us to tell the Norwegian government to end wolf hunts in Norway’s Wolf Zone and #SaveNorwegianWolves.

Tell the EPA to ban dangerous pesticides

It's time the EPA bans dangerous pesticides and puts the health of humans and the environment first.

Stop the illegal poaching of sea turtles

Sign the petition to stop the illegal poaching of sea turtles.

Tell Congress to pass the Stop Wall Street Looting Act

Sign the petition and help us tell Congress to consider the Stop Wall Street Looting Act as the first step towards halting these abusive practices.

Stop social media platforms from spreading hateful content

Tell social media platforms to stop the spread of hateful content online.

Stop the USFWS from abandoning the wild red wolf

Sign the petition to stop the USFWS from abandoning the wild red wolf.

Tell Congress to #StopLine3

Congress must stop the expansion of a dying tar sands industry and #StopLine3 construction immediately.

Encourage Congress to ban factory farms

It is time we fight back and support animal welfare, our environment, and what we put on our dinner plates!

End the U.S. policy of perpetual war

Sign the petition to end the U.S. policy of perpetual war.