Friday, July 26, 2024

Tell Congress to pass a bold plan within the infrastructure bill that supports electric...

It's time Congress makes firm commitments and landmark policies to have pollution-free transportation nationwide.

Reduce the pollution created by cruise ships

Sign the petition to to reduce the pollution created by cruise ships in the U.S.

Encourage US supermarkets to stop wasting food

Let's tell supermarkets to be more responsible with their food waste.

End tiger poaching

This petition is closed.

Protect the bats from lethal wind turbines

Sign the petition to tell the AWEA to make these changes so that we can save 90 percent of the bats rather than just 30 percent.

Tell Chevron to stay out of the Arctic Refuge

It's time we hold Chevron accountable and tell the oil giant not to bid for leases on this "sacred, unspoiled land."

Janet Yellen and the Fed: Progressives should pay attention

This should be the basis for unseating Trump, not the sabotage of the economy.

Tell Japan to stop commercial whaling for good

Please help us to tell Japan to rejoin the IWC and cease commercial whaling for good.