What The Media Should Know About Gun Background Checks
Although the details of the plan have not yet been released, several outlets are reporting that the Obama administration will address what is known as the “gun show loophole” or “private sales loophole.”
Surprised? Donald Trump’s First Television Ad Focuses on Immigration
Trump's ad continues with his policy stance on immigration, specifically in regards to Muslims.
2016: When the Voting Starts
The posturing and meaningless polls are behind us.
Three Middle-Class-Killing Industries for 2016
The companies in the spotlight are specialists in the disdainful business practices that permeate their industries.
The Future of Food: 16 Most Exciting Stories for 2016
Here we have selected 16 stories that represent the most exciting food trends for 2016.
At Stake in 2016: Ending the Vicious Cycle of Wealth and Power
Regardless of who wins the presidency in November and which party dominates the next Congress, it is up to the rest of us to continue to organize and mobilize. Real reform will require many years of hard work from millions of us.
Why Small Debts Matter So Much To Black Lives
Due to the racial wealth gap, black families have far less in savings than whites. The consequences can be far-reaching and often severe.
During Paris Climate Summit, Obama Signed Exxon-, Koch-Backed Bill Expediting Pipeline Permits
The provision sets a specific timeline as to how long environmental reviews should take, setting the limit to just under half a year.
Tipping Point?
“Social contracts defining political relationships such as democracy are based on trust that the foundational definitions will hold over time and circumstances and for all members equally.”
Feds Created More Regulations in 2015 Than in Any Previous Year
We now live in a society that is ruled by so many laws, no single person can keep track of them all.