Sunday, June 16, 2024

Vulture capitalists circle above Puerto Rico prey

As people in Puerto Rico are dying and President Trump lashes out at San Juan's mayor, Bill talks with social anthropologist Yarimar Bonilla about the challenges Puerto Ricans face in the wake of the storm.

Largest bank in Norway sells its assets in Dakota Access Pipeline

Earlier this month, Reuters reported that DNB was “reconsidering its participation” in the financing of the pipeline if “concerns raised by Native American tribes against its construction are not addressed.”

The Week Ahead: Everything hangs in the balance

The biggest uncertainty is the economy.

Joe Biden has tried to cut Social Security for 40 years

A look at his long history on Social Security is telling.

At the epicenter of Super Tuesday, the Sanders coalition is set to shake the...

“Bernie Sanders presents the clearest alternative to Trump. He is willing to name the problems, what’s causing them, and proposes the bold solutions that we need to solve them. . . .”

Cleaning Up After Pundits

While the incitement of anti-immigrant prejudice for political gain is shameful and socially explosive, it is certainly not new or uncommon in our country.

The Presidential Debate That Did Not Really Happen

It was not a debate so much as an opportunity to display Trump’s ability to weave an alternate reality for his acolytes.

From ‘Demos’ to ‘Podemos’: Popular Uprisings in Greece and Spain

The future of Europe is in flux, as popular movements in Greece and Spain gain power and challenge traditional economic and political systems. The global economic crisis created enormous suffering for billions around the world, but it also created an opening.

Bernie Sanders opens a new foreign-policy debate

The most popular politician in America has now taken on the failed establishment consensus on national security as well as establishment domestic policy.

Less Work, More Leisure

Shortening work time is not just good, family-friendly policy — it might be the quickest path to full employment.