Saturday, May 18, 2024

Socialism, Capitalism, Or …?

Can we create socialism within capitalism, or capitalism within socialism?

Biden and Bloomberg want Uncle Sam to defer to Uncle Scrooge

If Uncle Scrooge existed as a billionaire in human form today, it’s easy to picture him aligned with fellow plutocrats against the “threat” of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Billionaires keep benefiting from a tax break to help the poor. Now, Congress wants...

“The Opportunity Zone program has been troubled from the start.”

Warren, Booker & Steyer to take part in first-ever presidential forum on environmental justice

“It’s important that we have these conversations about climate change, but those are the symptoms of a disease.”

As New York takes Exxon to court, Big Oil’s strategy against climate lawsuits is...

“Through the 2000s and 2010s, ExxonMobil used proxies, employed other indirect means, and itself continued to make statements that cast doubt on the role of fossil fuels in causing climate change.”

Hijacking the impeachment debate—for climate’s sake

Donald Trump has done many wrong things, both illegal and legal but grievously harmful, that could have been used long ago to impeach him—and by far the most dangerous of these is his aggressive worsening of the climate emergency.

The crass warfare of billionaires against Sanders and Warren

The fight happening now for the Democratic presidential nomination largely amounts to class warfare.

‘Huge win for democracy’: Nationwide celebrations as NYC residents approve ranked-choice voting ballot measure

With the new system, said one supporter, “candidates will have to knock on the door of not just a certain plurality, but on the diverse doors of NYC's mosaic majority.”

Power and lies

We now have a president who lies through his teeth and two giant uncritical conveyors of those lies.