Tuesday, May 21, 2024

New evidence that poor Americans pay the highest taxes and get little of the...

Today the taking of our national wealth can be tax-deferred indefinitely.

Memo to the media: How not to cover the president

What J-School never taught you.

Republicans, obsessed with gutting Obamacare, other social programs: That’s called committing political suicide

It will be time for these politicians that have no vision to begin writing their political obituaries, because they will face political extinction in the elections of 1018 and 2020.

Baiting the hermit kingdom: No change in North Korea policy under Trump

Diplomacy may take time and patience, but if policymakers would put as much faith into it as they do to the military solutions that we’ve seen fail time and again, we might see some progress in easing tensions in many of the world’s hotspots, including on the Korean Peninsula.

Trump’s weekend trips to Mar-a-Lago are costing taxpayers

Trump has spent every weekend in Florida since his presidency, apart from the very first weekend he stepped into office.

U.S. Attorney reportedly fired while investigating HHS Secretary

Bharara’s office was also determining whether to launch an investigation into payments that Trump has received.

An orgy of unnecessary cruelty

Trump is embarking on an orgy of cruelty for absolutely no reason.

Facing famine, 20 million people need food, not bombs

Famine in these four countries is avoidable.

Electric utility executives pony up for the GOP roll back of environmental protections

Utilities that perceive the spread of rooftop solar as a threat to their business model just landed a key ally in the Department of Energy.