Saturday, May 4, 2024

With the crisis of Kavanaugh’s confirmation comes opportunity

It’s a truism in political science that when regimes lose their legitimacy, major change – even revolution – becomes a possibility.

Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, October 9

Chicagoans fight for police accountability, UN report warns of looming climate catastrophe, and more.

Hating Muslims in the age of Trump

The new Islamophobia looks like the Old McCarthyism.

The hidden money funding the midterms

Strategies that let super PACs delay revealing their donors until after the election are gaining popularity among both Democrats and Republicans.

The unbearable dishonesty of Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh’s choice to lie about things that are easily disproved speaks to a kind of hubris that’s fitting to someone of his pedigree.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, October 8

Humans, fish and other animals are consuming microfibers in our food and water, Trump's pick for energy innovation is invested in Big Oil, and Susan Collins' challenger raises millions after vote for Kavanaugh.

Teenagers in space

Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Rambo, Red Dawn, and how a tale of American triumphalism was returned to the child’s world.

Containing the catastrophe

With the addition of Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court is as firmly Republican as are the House and Senate.

Kavanaugh on the high court will be a source of ridicule

It’s not all bad as 'boofer' Brett sullies the whole institution.

I don’t smell anything

To the GOP, Kavanaugh smells like roses.