Saturday, May 18, 2024

Russian Oligarch-linked firm that paid Michael Cohen was also represented by Trump lawyer Marc...

The investment firm that the two Trump attorneys worked for, Columbus Nova, calls it a “coincidence.”

Connecting dots: A sluggish economy and millions of jobs lost to China

Trade deficits are hurting us. It’s time to balance trade.

EPA scientists held from attending Alaska summit

The agency’s last-minute change of plans highlighted the concerns of many conference attendees over the future of EPA programs dealing with climate change.

AFRICOM calls for my ‘elimination’

Specifically, what if an article of mine on the U.S. military appears somewhere in our media world and that military refuses to notice? Does it have an impact?

The view from Beijing: Understanding China’s position on North Korea

It remains to be seen whether China and its allies have the diplomatic power to compel the parties, including the United States, to the negotiating table.

Trump-era “domestic gag rule” reversed thanks to Biden administration

“The end of the Title X gag rule is a major victory for patients, access to sexual and reproductive healthcare, and health equity.”

Manchin under fire for threatening to block infrastructure bill over corporate tax hike

“I think we need a grassroots movement that makes it clear to Joe Manchin... that the progressive agenda is what the American people want,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump’s 100 days: U.S. air campaign hammers Yemen with almost a strike a day

The MOAB arrived in Afghanistan before the inauguration, on January 13.

Congressional stalemate: $858 billion for military, yet $12 billion child poverty aid stalled

A critical look at the Congressional impasse over funding $12 billion for Child Tax Credit expansion amid the approval of a colossal $858 billion military budget.

Why so many journalists are clueless about the Bernie 2020 Campaign

The elite-oriented atmosphere of media aversion to Sanders is in sync with media disregard for the power of community-based activism that could result in a Sanders presidency.