Monday, June 17, 2024

Republicans responsible for voter suppression in 2016

With a Republican majority currently held in all three branches, there will most likely be a lot more barriers and restrictions in the times ahead.

Will Betsy DeVos restart the ‘Education Wars’?

This time the lines dividing political parties won’t be blurred, and Democrats will know whose side they should be on.

Donald Trump is America’s shadow

So we need to celebrate the heroes of freedom and decency.

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, June 20, 2018

U.S. withdraws from Human Rights Council, Canada legalizes recreational marijuana, first ladies unite against family separation at the border, and more.

‘Enemy combatants’ again?

Will Washington never learn?

Youth climate activists demanding Green New Deal arrested for sit-in at #OilMoneyMitch McConnell’s office

"All we want is for him to put our lives above the interests of his campaign donors."

Trump’s fascist efforts to demolish democracy

Driven by a hatred of “the other” and infused with narratives of decline and victimization, fascist politics trade in an incendiary rhetoric of fear, demonization and violence.

Pentagon socialism

Militarizing the economy in the name of defense.

What Trump’s idea to break up big banks could mean for average Americans

While it is unclear whether Trump’s plans are serious, it’s worth considering what breaking up the banks could mean for typical bank customers.

Citizen Trump: How an American Caudillo Came to Dominate the 2016 Presidential Race

Would a Donald Trump presidency push the Democratic Party further to the right?