Thursday, May 16, 2024

What Joe Crowley’s defeat has to do with Democratic Party ‘superdelegates’

The defeat of Crowley shows how grass-roots movements can prevail against the corporate establishment and its vast quantities of cash.

What must we do now?

First and most importantly, do not give up. That’s what they want us to do. Then they’d have no opposition at all.

Progressive Briefing for Friday, June 29, 2018

#WomensMarch marches against Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, Nestlé continues to take California water, the Koch brothers plan for the next Supreme Court justice, and more.

Today’s US-Mexico ‘border crisis’ in 6 charts

If there is a crisis, it is in my view a human rights crisis.

Next stop for the global ‘Bernie’ Movement: Mexico?

Can these global Bernies turn the Trump tide?

Trump’s Supreme Court strikes blow to government workers, good paying jobs

“This is a concerted, corporate-funded effort to get rid of public employee unions."

Progressive Briefing for Thursday, June 28, 2018

Americans own 40% of the world's guns, the Republican tax plan has made the U.S. debt the highest since World War II, Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire, and more.

A socialist woman of color just turned the entire Democratic Party upside down

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s shocking upset is the surest sign yet that the Democratic Party’s future lies in its left flank – and in challenging capitalism head-on.

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, June 27, 2018

28-year-old Democratic Socialist wins the New York primary, the Supreme Court upholds Muslim ban and sides with anti-abortion centers, Occupy ICE protests spread, a federal judge sides with Big Oil, and more.