Friday, May 17, 2024

Super Bowl Sickness

Is the Super Bowl just an overhyped, overpriced spectacle that makes America look stupid in the eyes of the rest of the world? Here are six reasons why Thomas Magstadt thinks it's "enough to make an otherwise healthy person sick."

Chicago for Sale

Chicago has yet to learn that their people and their public services are not products to be bought and sold. Can voters change the direction the state is going come February 24 when they will elect a new mayor?

As Its Domestic Foundations Rapidly Erode, the U.S. Pursues World Domination

The United States, originally founded on standards of ethics and morality, is currently on its way to world domination. Unfortunately, American citizens are left feeling helpless and struggling financially and the path U.S. government is taking will make it worse.

The Real Threat to America (Hint: It’s Not Socialism)

The Koch brothers have plans to spend close to $900 million in 2016 to keep Republicans in control of Congress and hopefully get a conservative as president. Is their threat "intent upon seizing power in a nonviolent coup?"

A Whining Wall Street Banker Pleads for Pity

JP Morgan is facing another multi-billion dollar fine for massive illegalities. But why is John Pierpont Morgan whining about the most recent fine? He's never actually had to pay the price and go to jail.

FBI Arrests Cop on Charges of Police Brutality and Falsifying Records

Officer Domenico Lillo has been accused of the "use of excessive force and falsifying records in order to cover up their actions" in various lawsuits, but was never convicted. Lillo now faces up to 30 years in prison after he was arrested by the FBI for deprivation of civil rights.

Wall Street’s Threat to the American Middle Class

It's nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But in order to do so, they have to take direct aim at Wall Street, the ones that finance their campaigns.

Super Bowl for the Rich: Upper-Class 91, Middle-Class 9

The super-rich team tries to convince us that all is well with America's economy. Because to them, it's all a game and the middle-class keeps losing.

NY Assembly Speaker Arrested for Accepting $4 Million in Bribes

New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was recently arrested and charged with numerous counts of conspiracy, fraud, and extortion. With some politicians abusing their positions and accepting dark money, how can citizens fully trust their government?

US Journalist Sentenced to 5 Years and 3 Months for Posting a Link

Barrett Brown, a freelance journalist, was sentenced to 5 years and three months in prison for posting a hyperlink containing stolen credit card information. The excessive prison sentence looming over Brown has gained massive media attention.