Friday, September 20, 2024

Trump’s worst attacks on workers

So whose side is Trump really on?

ALEC and GOP push corporate immunity from Covid-19 workplace illnesses and deaths

“Immunity from liability would eliminate these workers’ already limited ability to seek justice in the courts and remove a powerful incentive for businesses to maintain a safe working environment, putting our communities at increased risk of illness and death.”

As Trump sows chaos, Sanders and Schumer call on McConnell to hold public hearings,...

“We believe this issue is above partisan politics,” the senators wrote to the GOP Senate Majority Leader.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, July 9, 2018

Trump freezes Obamacare payment program, Starbucks says goodbye to plastic straws, Colorado schools are arming teachers with no state oversight, and more.

Stop Trump’s privatization agenda

The Trump administration’s privatization strategy begins with propaganda about providing “choice” and “vouchers.”

To prevent voter intimidation, Michigan has banned open carry guns at polling places

“The presence of firearms at the polling place, clerk’s office(s), or absent voter counting board may cause disruption, fear or intimidation for voters, election workers and others present.”

Critics of canceling student debt aren’t afraid it won’t work—they’re afraid it will

Let’s hope a Biden administration doesn’t listen to these bad-faith critics.

Progressive Briefing for Friday, September 28

Bar association calls for FBI probe into Kavanaugh, GOP governors call for delay in Kavanaugh vote, women react to Christine Blasey Ford's testimony, and more.

US progressives need a foreign policy

Most of these candidates have missed the opportunity to really critique their country’s costly failures on the world stage.

‘First protest in space’ slams Trump

”Look at that you son of a bitch.“