Wednesday, April 24, 2024

DEA Ignores Science, Refuses To Loosen Restrictions On Marijuana

“President Obama always said he would let science — and not ideology — dictate policy, but in this case his administration is upholding a failed drug war approach instead of looking at real, existing evidence that marijuana has medical value.”

The primary contradiction: Corporate power vs. Progressive populism

For plutocrats, this summer has gotten a bit scary. Two feared candidates are rising. Trusted candidates are underperforming. The 2020 presidential election...

The Number of U.S. Troops in Iraq Is Approaching 6,000

Likely, down the line the US will get pulled right back into Iraq, because it refuses to recognize the real power dynamics there at the level of policy rather than just of tactics.

Liberty Is Security

The failures of both the torture and the surveillance programs to produce tangible results are repeatedly noted by experts, analysts, and officials.

An economist that future economists—and societies—will dare not ignore

Herman Daly helped us understand, our environment has no real shot at renewal.

Sessions DOJ says it’s OK to purge infrequent voters from Ohio rolls

The Obama administration was against the state's practice of purging inactive voters from the rolls, but this week, the Trump administration reversed course.

The war on renewables begins: Department of Energy’s report pushes for fossil fuels

The report is clearly out of touch with what many energy experts have agreed on: renewable energy is the future.

Faces of pain, faces of hope

The message of the consumer society, pumped out over flat screen televisions, computers and smartphones, to those trapped at the bottom of society is loud and unrelenting: You are a failure.

DNC in disarray while the Sanders campaign gains momentum

The glaring subtext of all this is the now-frantic effort to find some candidate who can prevent Sanders from becoming the party’s nominee at the national convention in July.