Monday, May 6, 2024

Trump and trade

Trump wants to “renegotiate” trade deals like NAFTA. But there's no evidence he wants to fix their corrosive impact on labor protections or environmental standards.

Populism is not about mobs, anti-government rants or opinion polls

It's necessary to restate the solid principles of populism and reassert its true spirit.

Who’s behind the billionaire PAC targeting Elizabeth Warren?

Politicians like Warren and Sanders have so far proven resilient against the politics of negativity.

May Day, workers, refugees and the cracks in the left

“Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here.”

Texas voter ID law led to fears and failures in 2016 election

Efforts to implement the nation’s strictest voter ID requirements – a solution in search of a problem, according to one critic – foundered amid court defeats, confusion and at least one giant oversight.

Trump’s banksters and the rollback of Dodd-Frank

Don’t let Trump and the Republicans endanger our economy again. Let’s not make the same mistake twice.

Don’t know much about history

Donald Trump thinks his intuition is better than knowledge of the past. That’s dangerous for him and all the rest of us.

The progressive resistance: “Woke” on politics, comatose on marketing

Advocates of progressive truth need to realize that we are a savagely outgunned faction.

Trump sends troops to the Turkish-Syrian border

Trump is in the position of trying to separate and make peace among two American allies.

The empire expands

Not the American one, but Trump’s.