Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why I Faced Arrest, Even as I Battle Cancer, to Fight TPP

"If ratified, the TPP would lock in monopolies for certain new medicines, biological medicines that help people like me stay alive."

As Trump claims workers support shutdown for border wall, unpaid federal employees set record...

"My husband is furloughed due to the Trump shutdown. This is a very stressful time, and believe me, my husband does not want that wall."

Let’s Talk About Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

U.S. activists must follow the example of our European allies and demand that our government stop supplying the Saudi rulers with weapons to bomb civilians in Yemen and repress its own citizens.

The beginning of the end of democracy as we know it?

Will history record that Republican senators were more united in their opposition to democracy than Democratic senators are in their support for it?

The next US-North Korea summit

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are scheduled to meet again. Here are several reasons to be optimistic about next month’s summit.

U.S. Foreign Policy: Intimidation, Domination; Counterproductive

“If we had a political revolution take place in this country such as Bernie Sanders wants to initiate, it should include the removal of those neocons and war hawks from power and transform U.S. foreign policy into one that is positive and constructive.”

It’s Time to Free Students from Debt

"Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife." It's time we free students from debt and create a new debt-free democracy.

The TSA’s role as journalist harasser and media ‘watchdog’

My experience on this latest journey is also a reminder of how far we in the U.S. have gone down the road towards becoming a police state.

House approves Save the Internet Act, votes to restore net neutrality

"The Save the Internet Act ensures that consumers have control over their Internet experience, rather than Internet service providers [controlling that experience]."

“It is in Our Power to Do Something”: After Another Massacre, Will Public Mobilize...

The recent shooting in a black church in South Carolina has led President Obama to call for immediate action on gun control. The U.S. needs to recognize the fact that these situations of mass violence does not happen in other countries with stricter gun control laws.