Monday, June 17, 2024

Victory! Australia Bans Cosmetic Animal Testing Nationwide

Starting July 2017, Australia will ban cosmetics which have been tested on animals as well as any products containing ingredients that have been tested on animals.

‘Alarming’: nearly 1/3 in US worry about violence, intimidation at polls

"The fear people are experiencing—especially Black people, Hispanic people, and young people—is a form of voter suppression that needs to be addressed before the election," said one expert.

Trump team, ALEC, Koch Industries debate gerrymandering the US Senate in Denver

Right-wing extremists want to roll back the clock to enable Republican state houses and Republican governors to hijack at least 10 U.S. Senate Seats held by Democrats.

Tax the rich? We did that once

A little history might just inspire us to try that taxing again.

Big Pharma and GOP allies aim to sabotage Medicare drug price reforms

"Patients fought hard for the reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act—and we won't let Big Pharma and its allies' fearmongering scare us."

2016 Not So Different, After All: Obamacare Woes Hit Campaign Trail

Bad news about Obamacare could stifle Democrats’ momentum heading into Election Day as they try to retake the Senate.

A Colorado ballot measure could make it nearly impossible to ban fracking

Green groups hope to someday amend the Colorado constitution so communities can ban fracking. An industry-sponsored amendment on the state's Nov. 8 ballot could block that.

VICTORY! The TPP is dead: The people defeat transnational corporate power

We still have a lot of work to do, but we should celebrate this great victory and move to set a people’s agenda for the United States.

Did Northam’s office try to hide the Dominion executives and lobbyists sitting on his...

A closer look at the people on the transition team reveals that some have been presented in a selective way that fails to mention their various affiliations with Dominion.

We are entering a recession—but what did we learn from the last one?

They can learn from the New Deal and bring governmental support directly to the most fragile communities and families.