Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Is This Person Our New President?

The reason why Clinton doesn’t want those speeches to be made public is that she doesn’t want the voters to know that she intends to use their money to propagandize to them for the benefit of those corporations, and also to protect those corporations from liability for harms their products cause the public.

The end of empire

The empire will collapse and the nation will consume itself within our lifetimes if we do not wrest power from those who rule the corporate state.

Corporate tax avoidance is also scamming investors

US corporations have trillions stashed in tax havens, being kept away from taxation and shareholders.

The calm before the storm? What is it, how long will it last?

Are we Americans in the calm before a storm? What lies ahead for the people of this country?

Republicans responsible for voter suppression in 2016

With a Republican majority currently held in all three branches, there will most likely be a lot more barriers and restrictions in the times ahead.

Yes, a government shutdown might be the best strategy

Democrats cannot back down from funding children’s health and protecting Dreamers. These issues are moral priorities.

NYT writes post-mortems for a Sanders campaign it did its best to kill

The coronavirus may have halted most campaigning for now—but it evidently has not stopped anti-Sanders media bias.

A deadly day: Russian ambassador assassinated; 12 dead in Berlin truck crash; Zürich mosque...

Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was assassinated Monday at an art exhibition in Ankara.

The pandemic makes clear what we already knew: The rent is too damn high

“I need to allocate my money for food, health care and other necessities, not to pay rent to corporate landlords.”

Describing Trump: 6 euphemisms for conduct unbecoming a president

Words matter. It’s important to describe Trump accurately.