Wednesday, May 15, 2024

‘The Wuhan of the Americas’: US deports COVID-19-positive immigrants to Haiti & Guatemala

Guatemala’s health minister, Hugo Monroy, has called the U.S. “the Wuhan of the Americas.”

Routing the two-tier system: Part VII – compensation

In a system like this, the wealthy would be the ones paying taxes, because the non-wealthy would be receiving only basic income.

Hillary, Bernie, and the Banks

Wall Street bankers are still an enormous threat to millions of Americans and the only way to resolve this is “with reforms so big, bold, and public they can’t be watered down.”

Bernie slams McConnell’s efforts to end defense and non-defense spending parity

“When history looks back on this period, I do not want people to see a U.S. Congress which worked overtime to protect billionaires and large corporations but turned its back on providing health care to vulnerable children.”

Demosthenes, call home: Your quest may be over

This is Joe Biden’s moment to do what he always thought he could do, what he wanted to do from the get-go.

The tool

Vladimir Putin, having helped install Trump, is categorically enjoying the fruits of those labors, with an America much more divided and hating...

Boris Johnson, ‘political vegemite’, becomes the UK prime minister. Let the games begin

To no-one’s great surprise, Boris Johnson has been elected by the members of the Conservative Party to be the new leader, and...

Wanted: Strong candidates who believe in public schools

What does it take to provide quality, top-notch education for our students?

Does the Constitution ban Trump from running again?

Trump could face criminal charges for inciting an insurrection, but that’s not necessary to bar him from the ballot.

As Trump tweets hateful threats, states are protecting immigrant rights

"In the midst of the extreme rhetoric and reality, people across the country are finding common ground on immigration."