Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Billionaire Oligarchs Don’t Give Out Bread Anymore, but They Gleefully Supply Circuses

Oligarchs keep the mind of the public off important crises while making money off of higher viewership of their diverting media.

Hillary Clinton, Paul Ryan, and the Crisis of American Capitalism

In all respects, the American political economy has become radically imbalanced.

The Old Debt and Entitlement Charade

You won’t hear this story in the debate questions. Debate sponsors only push their own agendas.

Noam Chomsky On His Gradual Expulsion from Mainstream Media

The last time Chomsky was in The New York Times was over a decade ago.

Consumers Lose, Wall Street Wins, in Right-Wing Court Ruling

The battles to rein in Wall Street fraud and resist the right-wing assault on an independent judiciary are far from over.

Sheriff Openly Calls for Riots as Trump Says Election is ‘Rigged’

David Clarke tweeted that it’s “pitchforks and torches time.”

Bernie Sanders’ Tweet Causes Big Pharma Company’s Stock to Plummet

Ariad Pharmaceuticals' stock dropped $387 million in just one day.

What the Narcissists Have Done to Our Jobs and Health

The narcissists in Congress are preoccupied with their own security rather than on the securing of a strong society.

For Those Who Don’t Want to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils

Ranked-choice voting is catching on, and Maine might become the first state to help citizens vote for candidates they actually want.

Trump: The Dress Rehearsal for Fascism

Our system of inverted totalitarianism has within it the seeds of an overt or classical fascism.