Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Number of U.S. Troops in Iraq Is Approaching 6,000

Likely, down the line the US will get pulled right back into Iraq, because it refuses to recognize the real power dynamics there at the level of policy rather than just of tactics.

Time for Congress to Stop Hollering at CEOs and Take Action

Congress should give the Justice Department and regulatory agencies enough funding to do their jobs. While they’re at it, break up the biggest banks. And regulate drug prices directly.

Thwimpie – A Spoiled Brat named Little Donnie Thwimp

Shouldn’t you be afraid that someone has a chance of being elected president based on the sound of his name?

Revolving Doors Rule in Finance and War

An arms race is being created that makes money for some but creates bad outcomes for all.

Ethiopians are Crying out for Freedom and Justice

The ruling party of Ethiopia needs to stop the violence, but will no doubt ignore such reasonable calls. The movement for change, however, is sweeping through the country, and the struggle for freedom will go on.

Wells Fargo Had a Bad Day. That’s a Start.

John Stumpf is undoubtedly decompressing somewhere right now, waiting in comfort for the heat to die down.

Congressman to EpiPen Company CEO: ‘They Raised the Prices to Get Filthy Rich’

“I am a pro-business conservative Republican, and I am just sickened.”

Union-Made Miracle on the Hudson

From Captain Sully to the ferry crews, it's union-trained workers who saved the passengers on Flight 1549.

You Must Be Kidding! Adventures in an American World of Frustration

Assassination, previously an illegal act, has become the heart and soul of Washington’s way of life.

On Syria And Skittles, Demagogues And The Damned

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."