Friday, May 3, 2024

Supreme Court confronts Trump’s unprecedented immunity claim amidst legal battle over 2020 election turmoil

This legal challenge has ignited widespread debate over the accountability of high-ranking officials and the principles underpinning American democracy.

Greed Kings of 2014: How They Stole from Us

The theft of society's wealth may be due to ignorance as well as to greed. Why are we wrongly being advised that the best way to defuse the situation is to teach tolerance for inequality?

The Supreme Court’s EPA decision could hamper regulator’s ability to protect the public

The agency will still be allowed to regulate many forms of air pollution, but would need explicit direction from Congress on how to tackle some of the worst aspects of climate change and other pressing issues.

What Joe Crowley’s defeat has to do with Democratic Party ‘superdelegates’

The defeat of Crowley shows how grass-roots movements can prevail against the corporate establishment and its vast quantities of cash.

‘The old order is disappearing:’ How progressive grassroots movements are sweeping the UK &...

"It’s not just the candidates, which is exciting, but there are movements outside the Democratic Party which are competing to take over the Democratic Party."

Boris Johnson’s Brexit gambit

This past Tuesday, with a then deadline of October 31s for the United Kingdom to pull out of the European Union, deal or no...

Vermont immigrant rights group sues ICE for monitoring, infiltrating & ‘hunting down’ organizers

At least 20 active members of Migrant Justice have been arrested and detained by ICE.

Ron DeSantis is even more evil than Trump. There’s one sure way to stop...

Donald Trump’s evil has been well-documented,but DeSantis’ evil streak is just as worrisome and deserves thorough scrutiny and sunlight from the beltway media.

Florida Governor Wants To Monitor Refugees In The Wake Of Orlando Shooting

"The Second Amendment didn't kill anybody."

These billionaires received taxpayer-funded stimulus checks during the pandemic

IRS records reveal that 18 billionaires and some 250 other ultrawealthy people received aid intended to help middle-class Americans.