Friday, May 17, 2024

Nader: Still Fighting From the Grassroots Up

Longtime activist hosts a four-day conference, hoping to promote activism and substance in the conversation about issues and democracy.

Reform or Revolution

Rosa Luxemburg warned the left about becoming seduced by liberals who speak the language of reform but serve the interests of capitalism. And she understood that holding fast to revolutionary ideals was, especially in a moment of crisis, a moral imperative.

One Of The Most Aggressive Gerrymanders In The Country Just Lost In The Supreme...

Chalk up a victory for Democrats that will make it marginally easier for them to take back the House of Representatives.

Bernie Sanders Fights Against Austerity For Impoverished Puerto Ricans

“Today, I am proud to stand in strong opposition to this bill not only with the people of Puerto Rico, but the AFL-CIO, UAW, SEIU, AFSCME, UFCW and other unions that recognize just how bad this bill would be.”

Disposable Americans: The Numbers are Growing

What's astonishing is the disregard that many of the super-rich have for struggling Americans.

The Case for Superdelegates Selecting Sanders

It’s time to bring the newly energized electorate to the polls and to see the powerful vision of superdelegates come to fruition.

Why Trump Might Win

Trump’s demagoguery makes him the most dangerous nominee of a major political party in American history.

Without A Political Revolution America Cannot Achieve True Greatness

In order to restore American greatness, we must go through a political revolution.

Democrats Can’t Unite Unless Wasserman Schultz Goes!

The Democratic National Committee chair has thrown fuel on the flames of infighting just as the party faces a critical November election.

FDA Changes Food Nutrition Label Requirements for the First Time in 20 Years

Michelle Obama helped to announce on Friday that the FDA approved a new set of requirements for food nutrition labels for the first time in decades.