Sunday, May 19, 2024

Noam Chomsky: Sanders is a “Force the Could Change the Country”

Chomsky believes that Sanders’ movement, if turned into “a continuing, organized, mobilized force" could "change the country.”

Why Is the Racial Wealth Gap Widening? And What Should Be Done to Reverse...

All these steps would allow families to invest in their own futures – which is the surest way out of poverty. All of us benefit when everyone has the opportunity to accumulate wealth.

Former House Speaker Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison

Before Dennis Hastert was House Speaker he worked as a teacher and wrestling coach, during which time he sexually abused several of his male students.

Free Trade and Globalization Designed To Screw Workers

The fact that trade has exposed manufacturing workers to international competition, but not doctors and lawyers, was a policy choice, not a natural development.

Four Ways To Fight For Democracy

Following the demonstrations in Washington for voting rights and campaign finance reform, Moyers & Company asked activists to describe how they are carrying the fight forward. This is part of the series.

The Pragmatic Impacts of Sanders’ Big Dreams

Even with Tuesday’s campaign setbacks, Bernie Sanders’ pledge to make the country more equitable and sustainable is more realistic than some people are letting on.

Why Bernie Will, Should and Must Stay in the Race

Bernie has substantively — even profoundly — changed American politics for the better.

Trump and Clinton Win Big in April 26 Primaries

In a disappointing night for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton won four out of five states. Donald Trump made a clean sweep, winning in all five states.

Trump Like Sanders? Hardly. More Polar Opposites in Mindsets, Values & Proposals

Similar at heart? Parallel in the most important ways? Sanders stands for all the Trump hates. And vice versa. Trump could be the 1% poster child that drives Sanders' dramatic anti-elitist, anti-inequality, anti-climate change denial movement. A true challenger to the status quo (party and nation) and the oligarchic "establishment" that runs this country, Sanders is more polar opposite to Trump than alleged first cousin.

Fast Food Industry Looks To Skirt Labor Law, With An Assist From Scott Walker

There has been a string of decisions that favor workers over the past couple years. Now the fast food industry is fighting back.