Sunday, May 19, 2024

Scare-mongering is the only thing Trump and Republicans have got

The solution to the refugee crisis is generous aid to struggling Central American countries, not a Pentagon mobilization.

Hong Kong Announces Plan to Ban the Ivory Trade

Hong Kong announced on Wednesday that it plans to ban the domestic ivory trade.

Trump’s Supreme Court strikes blow to government workers, good paying jobs

“This is a concerted, corporate-funded effort to get rid of public employee unions."

Bernie Sanders calls for a new international left to fight Steve Bannon’s right-wing “Movement”

Supposed genius Steve Bannon thinks he can lure progressives into the nationalist right. Sanders says no thanks.

‘Not giving up’: Expelled Black Tennessee lawmakers are reinstated as movement for gun control...

The Nashville Metropolitan Council unanimously voted Monday to restore Jones to office, and he was sworn in Tuesday. Pearson is being sworn back in Thursday.

Veterans go to Washington

If veteran-legislators were to use their capacity for leadership, Congress could take on its true constitutional responsibility as the custodian of war—and peace—and life in this country could change accordingly.

The Trump administration used its food aid program for political gain, congressional investigators find

The Food to Families program, touted by Ivanka Trump, gave tens of millions of dollars to unqualified firms and was also used to promote then-President Trump.

Explosive whistleblower complaint by ousted HHS official says he was pressured to give contract...

The complaint calls for a reversal of Bright's reassignment as well as a full investigation into his charges of cronyism at the department.

To tackle ills of ‘unfettered capitalism,’ Sanders plan would give workers seats on corporate...

Taking aim at the vast inequities produced by America's business-dominated economic system, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday unveiled a far-reaching proposal that would roll...