Sunday, May 5, 2024

How to Make Billboards Uglier

At best, these giant corporate placards are problematic: They garishly loom over us, clutter our landscapes and intrude into our communities with no respect for local aesthetics or preferences.

Unsure About Socialism? Here’s More Evidence That Capitalism Is Killing America

Reports from the past six months show that the ongoing record of capitalist greed and irresponsibility has plunged to new lows.

GOP Debate: Setting The Record Straight On Social Security

Here are some facts about Social Security that can help people who are worried by these Republican lies and scare tactics.

Blowing the Biggest Political Story of the Last Fifty Years

The shocking story isn't the rise of Donald Trump but how the GOP slowly morphed into a party of hate and obstruction.

Donald Trump Calls Them ‘Thugs.’ Here’s What Trump Protesters Are Really Like.

“Increasing the minimum wage is important for me and my family, and Trump hasn’t discussed it.”

Most Voters Favor Cutting Defense Spending. Politicians Say Otherwise

In a comprehensive new survey, most voters favored a decrease of at least $12 billion in the Pentagon’s spending and called for killing some costly military programs.

Friend or Foe? How Turkey’s Turn Toward Authoritarianism Threatens Syria and the World

Although NATO countries have worse, more despotic allies in the region, like the tyrannical monarchies of the Gulf, Turkey’s erratic, arrogant leader is arguably the most dangerous.

Pushing Carbon Tax and Fracking Ban, Sanders Lays Down Gauntlet on Climate

"I hope that Secretary Clinton would join me if we are serious about climate change, about imposing a tax on carbon on the fossil fuel industry and making massive investments in energy efficiency and sustainable energy. And by the way... I hope you’ll join me in ending fracking in the United States of America."

Igniting, Harnessing the Massive Power of the People

“When the people of America use their power to see that this government operates in this manner then this country will be on the path leading to true greatness.”