Tuesday, May 21, 2024

EU Glyphosate Rebellion Gathers Strength as Health Commissioner Shocks Pesticide Industry

This move by France and their EU partners will hit the biotech giant Monsanto and other large pesticide companies which rely on glyphosate-based herbicides for a large percentage of their global profits.

Samuel L. Jackson and Stephen Colbert Team Up to Fund America’s Classrooms

The actor and the talk show host want the public to back projects on the education crowdfunding website DonorsChoose.org.

Dear Hillary, You’re Losing My Vote

Clinton’s campaign, which exploits institutional bias and deception, is a diversion from our national challenges. Many of us expect more.

Medea Benjamin: Pink-Slipping Hillary

A Hillary Clinton presidency would symbolically break the glass ceiling for women in the United States, but it would be unlikely to break through the military-industrial complex that has been keeping our nation in a perpetual state of war — killing people around the world, plenty of them women and children.

Black Protestor at Trump Rally Punched in the Face – Then Arrested

A young black man was assaulted at a Trump rally this week. Instead of arresting the man who punched him, officers tackled him!

Michigan and Mississippi: Should Red-state Delegates Vote on the Nomination of a Candidate for...

Sanders' campaign manager has called Clinton a “regional candidate.” Michigan confirms that to be a fair description of a candidate who has yet to win any blue state, with the one exception where there is an allegation pending that “the election was likely stolen.”

Louisiana Will Tax Its Poor To Fill Budget Hole Caused By Tax Cuts For...

Sales tax hikes and a handful of minor tax increases for businesses will close roughly three quarters of the $3 billion budget hole ex-Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) left behind.

The Coddling of the Capitalist, White-Supremacist, Patriarchal American Mind

When does merely offensive speech becomes oppressive? When should one person’s freedom of expression, no matter how offensive, be defended and when does a pattern of abusive expression clearly undermine the ability of others to participate fully in a classroom discussion?

The Reason Bernie Sanders Defied The Polls In Michigan

Polls had been showing Clinton ahead in the state up until voting day. Here's how Bernie beat the odds.

The Referendum That Might Have Headed Off Flint’s Water Crisis

Michigan’s voters decided to scrap the kind of super-empowered emergency managers who made questionable decisions in Flint – but state lawmakers found a way to revive the program.