Thursday, May 2, 2024

Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Earliest Earth overshoot day ever, it's been over a year since MSNBC mentioned the war in Yemen, Trump wants to strip security clearance of those who have criticized him, and more.

Senate Democrats, with few exceptions, are a gang of warmongers

Where’s the 'democratic socialist' challenge to militarism?

World War III’s newest battlefield

Looking forward today, however, the prospect of a catastrophic World War III is again becoming all too imaginable and this time, it appears, an incident in the Arctic could prove the spark for Armageddon.

Trump tells Iraq order US troops out and I’ll freeze your Central Bank’s account...

it must be stated that Trump’s latest threat is simply another blatant example—this time a fiscal bomb rather than an actual one—of American imperialism and rogue nation behavior.

On seeing America’s wars whole

Crudely put, the central question that goes not only unanswered, but unasked is this: What the hell is going on?

The War Racket Continues.. 84 years later!

On this Memorial Day weekend, all Amerikans should look back to the great essay written in 1935 by Marine General Smedley Butler....

The US nuked two cities in WWII and has threatened to use them often...

The threats have indeed been made, and they could potentially be more than bluffs.  

Iraq combat veteran: Pardon of war criminals sends disturbing message to US military, world

”I led a platoon in Iraq. Trump is wrong to pardon war criminals.”

How could the U.S. help to bring peace to Ukraine?

Policy decisions by the United States will have a critical impact on whether there will soon be peace in Ukraine, or only a much longer and bloodier war.

‘US leadership’—and other euphemisms for war

If the pundits get their way, Biden could secure “U.S. global leadership” by flattening large parts of the planet.