The military-industrial complex: Trump’s ties to Boeing in spotlight amid probes of 737 MAX...
Boeing has such clout in Washington, particularly on the defense side, but also viewed as a major commercial force in its airline business.
Isra University’s destruction and IDF casualties: New tensions in Gaza conflict
Mitchell Plitnick, president of Rethinking Foreign Policy said of the bombing of Isra University "by definition... it was not a legitimate military target."
The return of American race laws
Bannon knows no more about war’s reality than he sees in Hollywood movies.
A wide world of war porn
How I accidentally amassed an encyclopedia of atrocities...
Global nuclear spending surged to $2,898 a second in 2023 amid rising tensions
An in-depth look into the staggering increase in global nuclear weapons spending, its implications, and the call for disarmament.
Trita Parsi: US assassination of Iranian General is major escalation & will make America...
“The U.S. bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism.”
The year of the commando
U.S. special operations forces deploy to 138 nations, 70% of the world’s countries.
‘De-certifying’ the Iran deal may be Trump’s most reckless decision yet
Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. Trump, on the other hand, is risking a war – and torching U.S. credibility.
Exasperated by Netanyahu, France Prepares to Recognize Palestinian State
The French parliament urged recognition of Palestine in a vote in 2014. Sweden has recognized Palestine and a number of other European countries have raised the Palestinian mission in their capitals to the rank of full embassy.
Mass mobilization against Trump military parade
A military parade will be a major error as it will show the United States to be an insecure nation at a time when people realize U.S. empire is fading.