Friday, July 26, 2024

Biden must choose between a ceasefire in Gaza and a regional war

The genocide in Gaza and the stark choice facing President Biden and U.S. decision-makers.

That expression Trump keeps using

It doesn’t mean what he thinks it means.

America Revisits the Dark Side

Candidates compete to promise the most torture and slaughter. Are war crimes are back on the American agenda?

Trump-Taliban talks like those with N. Korea – a photo op on the deck...

Trump-Taliban is just for show, like Trump-North Korea. It is like a photo op on the deck of the Titanic as it headed to sea.

The enemy of my enemy is my…?

The Saudi-American-Iranian-Russian-Qatari-Syrian conundrum.

Israeli war crimes and propaganda follow US blueprint

Israel's war crimes in Gaza and the propaganda by which it justifies them are based on the weak—and incorrect—interpretations of the Geneva Conventions that the U.S. has relied on throughout its recent wars.

More Steps Toward WW III

“On April 25th, Obama personally asked the leaders of Germany, France, UK, and Italy, to contribute to the increased NATO troops and weapons near Russia’s Baltic borders.”

Helsinki 2.0

The European security order has broken down. The conflict around Ukraine is a symptom of this larger problem.

Why the Founders Would Decry What America has Become

If the Founding Fathers saw what the United States has become, they would be devastated. Poverty, income inequality, suppression of speaking ones mind, crime, war, and oligarch like behaviors all make up this new U.S. It is far from being the democracy it was created as.

Nuclear powers once shared their technology openly – how Iran’s program fell on the...

As tensions remain at fever pitch between Tehran and Washington, Iran continues to breach limits agreed in the 2015 Iran deal, known...