It’s almost twenty years since 9/11
Can we finally stop marching to disaster?
Horror in Paris: Attacks Kill More than 120 People
A series of horrific attacks by ISIS in Paris has left more than 120 dead and more than 180 people injured. French President Hollande has declared a state of emergency and closed all borders.
Israeli attacks intensify in Gaza as body bags run out and journalists are killed
Palestinian families and first responders face impossible conditions amid escalating strikes while evidence of alleged genocide emerges and Ireland confronts diplomatic fallout.
NYC transit hubs grind to a halt as protests for Gaza cease-fire sweep the...
NYC's transit hubs became stages for impassioned pleas for peace in Gaza, as protesters demand action amidst a rising death toll and global reactions.
Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Palestine visit revealed the plain, brutal truth of apartheid
His new book, The Message, is based in part on his visit last year to Israel and the occupied West Bank, where he says he saw a system of segregation and oppression reminiscent of Jim Crow in the United States.
Brooklyn, Spring/Summer ’69- On Neighborhoods and War
You live in the burbs, or what they call so many small cities nowadays. Strip malls, shopping centers and it seems a...
The beginning of the end for nuclear weapons
Few antiwar activists ever thought they'd see nuclear weapons banned, but thanks to dedicated organizing, a historic UN treaty goes into effect today.
Trump seeks to spend more on nuclear weapons but buys little added capability
Cost overruns are eating up a substantial portion of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s weapons budget.
Isra University’s destruction and IDF casualties: New tensions in Gaza conflict
Mitchell Plitnick, president of Rethinking Foreign Policy said of the bombing of Isra University "by definition... it was not a legitimate military target."
Energy Wars of Attrition
In the end, the oil attrition wars may lead us not into a future of North American triumphalism, nor even to a more modest Saudi version of the same, but into a strange new world in which an unlimited capacity to produce oil meets an increasingly crippled capitalist system without the capacity to absorb it.