Full speed ahead on the global Titanic
Going along with the utter madness of nuclear weapons.
Droning on
Assassins-in-chief and their brood...
After 20 years of lies and war, US retreat underway as Taliban retake control...
"It's like the United States lost another war after destabilizing a country that will likely be a failed state for decades, something which has happened multiple times in the 'War on Terrorism.'"
Another troop surge in America’s longest war
100,000 troops couldn't stabilize Afghanistan. What can an extra 5,000 win, besides more casualties?
How can America wake up from its post-9/11 nightmare?
After 20 years of war and militarism that has only left the world a more dangerous place and accelerated America’s decline, we must choose the path of peace.
Gaza in mourning: Unraveling the truth behind the Shadia Abu Ghazala school tragedy
Gaza school incident exposes grim reality of civilian casualties.
The Ukraine moment
Lessons from the War on Terror.
The Costs of War, the Price of Peace
A new report, "Body Count", asserts that up to 1.3 million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan in the first 10 years of the so-called war on terror. When will the cost of war be too much even for the people making money off of it?
Gaza: it’s not a war it’s genocide
The cost of inaction: a deep dive into the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the global response.
House votes for Israel aid linked to controversial IRS and tax cut measures
In a contentious decision, the House approves $14 billion in aid to Israel, offset by cuts to the IRS budget, despite predictions of increased deficit and a veto from President Biden.