Monday, May 20, 2024

The Wuhan hoax

Covid-19 and Trump’s war on the U.S. Intelligence community...

American Power at the Crossroads

Earth is no longer the property of the globe’s “sole superpower.”

Girding for confrontation

Right now, a Sino-American war sounds like the plotline of some half-baked dystopian novel. But could it become reality in the future?

500 years is long enough! Human Depravity in the Congo

For more than 500 years, the Congo has been brutalized by the extraordinary violence inflicted by those who have treated the country as a resource – for slaves, rubber, timber, wildlife and minerals – to be exploited.

Leaked OPCW report raises new questions about 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria

A newly leaked internal document from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reveals there were conflicting views within the organization as to what happened.

‘De-certifying’ the Iran deal may be Trump’s most reckless decision yet

Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. Trump, on the other hand, is risking a war – and torching U.S. credibility.

Israeli officials bracing for potential genocide charges as Gaza carnage escalates

This development has placed Israel's military operations under intense international scrutiny.

US intervention in UN resolution escalates Israeli assault on Gaza

The recent escalation in Gaza, resulting from Israel's intensified military actions, has led to a significant increase in civilian casualties and displacement.

Gaza’s youngest bear the brunt: 1 in 10 children under 5 are malnourished

The war has severely impacted Gaza's food supply, which was already reliant on imports and humanitarian aid.

Israel’s defiance of world court amid Gaza’s humanitarian crisis sparks global outrage

Amidst this backdrop of defiance and tragedy, global leaders are raising their voices against the continued aggression.