Saturday, May 4, 2024

The alarming rise of civilian deaths in the war on terror

New reports show an escalation in civilian casualties from U.S. operations in Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia — and a pattern of U.S. denial about the scale of the problem.

MSNBC axes Mehdi Hasan’s show amidst his vocal support for Palestinian rights

Progressive voices alarmed as MSNBC axes 'The Mehdi Hasan Show' amidst its candid reporting on Middle East conflicts.

On the 3rd anniversary of the Christchurch attack, the Ukraine crisis asks the West...

Ultimately, who are Ukraine’s enemies? The Russian state? Or those who sit on the sidelines doing just enough to stay out of the war?

The dark side of the empire

Amerikans need to begin acting like Americans again, and say NO to empire and YES to saving our towns, cities and states from the predators who now run things.

The forgotten trauma of a forgotten war

GOMA, North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo -- The boy was sitting next to his father, as he so often did....

“The bleeding wound”

Osama bin Laden won (twice)...

Bestselling pentagon fiction

Caltech receives $750 million from bottled water industry billionaires  For the Pentagon, happy days are here again (if...

How terror came home and what to make of it

A nation rich in fear.

The anti-empire report #157: Unpersons

In his desperation for approval, our dear president has jumped on the back of increased military spending.

UN bans nuclear weapons; fifty nations ratify international treaty

"We continue to call for an elimination of all nuclear weapons worldwide."