Thursday, May 9, 2024

America’s Control Over the World Is Rapidly Eroding

The U.S. government has angered many countries because of their long history of highly aggressive military actions, but there seems to be no plan of stopping. It would be smart to listen to the other countries and simmer down in the military department before it is too late.

40 Years After the US Defeat and the Liberation of Vietnam, Washington Is Trying...

Is the Pentagon's latest PR initiative to rewrite and distort the history of the Vietnam War? The Veterans for Peace campaign is calling out the Pentagon and pressuring them to correct the historical falsehoods. We need to keep the Pentagon honest.

Why the Founders Would Decry What America has Become

If the Founding Fathers saw what the United States has become, they would be devastated. Poverty, income inequality, suppression of speaking ones mind, crime, war, and oligarch like behaviors all make up this new U.S. It is far from being the democracy it was created as.

As Obama Apologizes for Deaths of Hostages in Drone Strike, Does the U.S. Know...

President Obama apologized for the U.S. drone strike in Pakistan that took the lives of two hostages. He went on saying the operation was a botched operation and he deeply regretted its outcome.

Eight Americans Killed by CIA Drone Strikes

A U.S. drone strike recently executed eight U.S. citizens without due process. With more than 3,852 casualties in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, why does the Obama administration continue to allow the CIA to operate signature strikes with impunity?

A Letter of Apology to My Grandson

"Someday in the distant future, I hope you’ll read this letter and that, given the ingenuity of our species, given the grit to resist madness, given whatever surprises the future holds, you’ll smile indulgently at my worst fears."

As the US Consulate in Irbil, Iraq, Is Bombed, Can America Still Do Diplomacy...

The U.S. diplomatic presence in the eastern reaches of the Middle East is in question as the security for such embassies and consulates is the host countries' responsibility. But when the state has failed, we must ask: Is U.S. diplomacy even possible in much of the region?

Four Blackwater Operatives Sentenced to Prison for Committing Iraqi Massacre

“In killing and maiming unarmed civilians, these defendants acted unreasonably and without justification.” Blackwater contractors were sentenced yesterday for killing 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians and wounding 18 more in the 2007 Nisour Square massacre.

President Hillary Clinton’s Middle East Policy: Interventions, Wars, More of Same

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will bring substantial foreign policy expertise to the thorny issues happening around the world. But will she get the U.S. heavily involved in the region again?

Ukraine: Putin Slams the Door in NATO’s Face

Ukraine has caused the United States, the superpower country, to be challenged by Russia. This shift in power seems to be a reality check for the U.S. whose military might not be in control of Europe and Eurasia regions any longer.