Knee-jerk Nullification: Impeachment Lite
There is far more self-evident misconduct to censure 47 GOP senators than even this regressive House would dare place at Obama's door. Like patriotism for Mark Twain, this cowardly war of party nullification is the last refuse of scoundrels.
Why You Should Dump Your Oil, Coal and Gas Stocks if You Ever Want...
Big Coal and Big Oil are dead men walking. So if you have hopes in retiring on them, think again. Stocks in these companies will get you nowhere—they're outmoded and prone to crashing. It's time to put your securities elsewhere.
As al-Qaida Defeats ‘Moderate’ US Allies in Syria, Will the US Ally With al-Qaida?
President Obama has announced his new "complicated plan" to deal with ISIL and it involves training a "third force", therefore creating a Free Syrian Army to attack al-Qaeda and ISIL. But is this a practical option to fighting the radical extremists?
Desperate People, Hazardous Escapes
Conditions in some countries are so abysmal, its residents are deciding to flee their homelands for the possibility of opportunity and freedom. Unfortunately, upon arrival to the U.S., a ‘migrant detention center’ awaits them with horrible treatment.
Fear Incorporated: Canada’s Anti-Terror Bill and the Emergence of a Deep Police State
The new bill, C-51, could label anyone who disagrees with neo-liberal aims as a “terrorist." With a Conservative majority in Parliament and support from the Liberal Party, it seems the final bill will pass quite easily only to create an emergence of a deep police state.
CIA Evidence from Whistleblower Trial Could Tilt Iran Nuclear Talks
The prosecution in the Jeffrey Sterling case have casted doubt on claims of Iran's developed nuclear weapons program. If the International Atomic Energy Agency determines that U.S. assertions lack credibility, who will Washington have to blame?
Planting Fear Into the American Mind
It seems, in order to pass a certain agenda, modern time presidents will use the idea of fear. Keeping U.S. citizens afraid of terrorism and other countries have let aggressive military policy become justified.
Today’s Top Seven Myths About Islamic State
While ISIS continues to haunt the nightmares of Western journalists and security analysts, Juan Cole points out some assertions about the "Islamic State" that are truly exaggerated and completely incorrect.
Egypt Makes Libya the New Front in Anti-ISIS War, 4 Years After NATO Left...
The recent attacks in Libya are being called "the worst political crisis and escalation of violence" since the overthrowing of Gaddafi in 2011. Will foreign governments intervene in Libya again? Watch as Democracy Now addresses this concern.
In Whose America?
Tom Engelhardt reflects on the state of America: machine Guns, MRAPs, surveillance, drones, permanent war and a permanent election campaign. Don’t be shocked—we, the people, are less in control of anything.