Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tag: big corporations

As corporations enjoy record-high profits, experts urge Congress to ‘rein them...

"Instead of raising interest rates and slowing the economy toward a recession, Congress and Biden should be taking aim at corporate price gouging."

The fix is in on fixing things

Big corporations want to make it illegal for you to repair the devices you bought from them.

How CEOs are ruining America

Big American corporations aren’t organized to promote the wellbeing of Americans, and Americans cannot thrive within a system run largely by corporations.

‘Awesome, brilliant, necessary’: Seattle bans foreign-influenced corporations from spending in local...

"It is possible to take on powerful corporations and win. Just look at Seattle."

Who represents us when our political parties represent only corporations?

Our future depends on bridging the artificially cultivated political divide that serves only interests fundamentally contrary to our common well-being.

Why making American corporations more competitive doesn’t help most Americans

Restoring corporations' “competitive edge” has little or nothing to do with helping American workers.

Greece – What You are not Being Told by the Media

According to mainstream media, the current economic crisis in Greece is due to the government spending too much money on its people that it went broke. This claim however, is a lie. It was the banks that wrecked the country so oligarchs and international corporations could benefit.

Trans Pacific Trickle-Down Economics

If we allow the Trans-Pacific Partnership to pass, big corporations and Wall Street will be the only ones who will benefit. The idea that trickle-down economics will occur if this bill passes is a myth.


Sisyphus Trump maniacally replays 2015, with repeated, inflammatory media blitzes. But that gambit...

How many unforced errors—the Arlington cemetery mess, JD Vance, fake Ohio pet-napping and Loomer—confirm Trump as monumental scatterbrain?

Matt Nelson self-immolates outside Israeli consulate in Boston, condemning US support for Gaza genocide

Nelson’s extreme act of protest marks the third self-immolation in the U.S. since Israel’s war on Gaza began, drawing attention to America’s ongoing complicity in the killing of over 41,000 Palestinians.

Can the world save Palestine from US-Israeli genocide?

The UN General Assembly's scheduled meeting is an opportunity for the world community to clearly express its opposition to Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine.

Biden-Harris administration preserves 28 million acres of Alaska public lands, prioritizing Tribal rights and...

The Biden-Harris administration’s decision to retain protections for 28 million acres in Alaska marks a significant reversal of the previous administration’s plans to open these lands to extractive industries, preserving vital natural, cultural, and subsistence resources for Alaska Native communities.

New study finds personal care products cause development disruptions in children

The study linked endocrine disruptors, which "mimic, block or interfere with the body’s own hormones," and disruptions in children "during key developmental moments,"