Tag: Canada
Biggest polluters linked to worsening wildfires in Western US and Canada
Emissions from these top fossil fuel producers and cement manufacturers could also be linked to about 50% of increasing drought and high fire-risk conditions in the same area since 1901.
Canada steps up surveillance of Indigenous peoples to push fossil fuel...
An international human rights body condemned Canada’s treatment of Indigenous communities opposing two major oil and gas pipelines.
Canada’s big banks are secretly supporting Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion
"Once again, we see that Canadian banks are leading the world in financing climate-destructive, Indigenous rights-violating projects," said one campaigner.
Conservative party-linked Facebook page, Canada Proud, a major source of climate...
Leading the charge is Canada Proud, a right-wing Facebook page with close ties to the Conservative Party, which made post after post in the early days of the invasion urging the country to export more hydrocarbons to Europe.
Oil pipeline Canada bought will cost over $25 billion and never...
"Guaranteeing another $8.8 billion to complete the project will simply be throwing good money after bad," says a new analysis, "for a total taxpayer loss of $26.1 billion."
What the US can learn from Canadian activists who blocked truck...
As the trucker convoy makes its way to Washington, Canadian blockades offer lessons on how to stop far-right occupations in their tracks.
Suicide truckers
The "Freedom Convoy" in Canada wants to spread its anti-government, antisocial, and ultimately self-defeating messages far and wide.
The ‘Freedom’ convoy: Canada’s far right revolt
Unfortunately, some of those involved in the convoy and on online forums dedicated to it have called for a January 6th style event in Ottawa
Oil pipeline on Native lands ramps up as Canada honors its...
“In the context of our climate emergency, when Indigenous peoples stand against pipelines, we are not only standing up to protect our land rights, we are also standing up for everyone on the planet and future generations that come after us.”
Fairy Creek: Indigenous-led blockade of old-growth logging is now Canada’s largest...
“The police have no jurisdiction, and industry don’t have jurisdiction, on stolen land.”