Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tag: Congress

VIDEO: We Must Take Action Now

Trans Pacific Partnership is moving its way into Congress. While this deal is bad for American's, it's time we stop the TPP from speeding through Congress without debate or amendment.

Anger Translation: Why Obama Was Ranting Against GOP Climate Policy at...

Big Oil, Big Coal and Big Gas have such a strong grip on Congress, helping to avoid climate disruption. And that is why President Obama went into his comedic rant against climate denial at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner.

A Quiet Corporate Coup on Capitol Hill

Congressional staffers have gained a lot of control and influence over legislation and corporate lobbyists have long understood this. Flattery and gifts have become a way for lobbyists to get what they want in terms of political gain.

For Rent: The GOP’s No. 3

How long has Rep. Steve Scalise been involved in Congress' take-and-give game with lobbyists? Ever since he starting writing the rules that give such corruption a pass. As Scalise puts it, he must “keep and expand our [Republican] majority in Congress.”

An Angry White House Vows to Confront Netanyahu, but Will It...

Is the White House prepared to end longstanding U.S. support for the occupation? After the White House found out Israeli was spying on U.S.-Iran talks and giving the information to Republican-controlled Congress, that question is up for debate.

Time to Demand Medicare for All and Social Security Benefits We...

With Republicans in control in Congress, Social Security and Medicare have already taken unfair cuts. We need a mass movement to come together and demand “Medicare for all” and “Real Social Security people can live on,” especially before 2016 elections.

The New American Order

Out of the chaos of this prolonged moment and inside the shell of the old system, a new culture, a new kind of politics, a new kind of governance is being born right before our eyes. Call it what you want. But call it something. Stop pretending it’s not happening.

The Nincompoop Caucus Sets a Record

Lawmakers are doing all they can to eliminate healthcare coverage for people on Obamacare. Republicans have voted more than 56 times to take away health coverage for previously uninsured people. This is absurd.

Trading US Democracy for Corporate Profits with TPP

The current trade deals being talked about in the U.S. is an ugly reality that American democracy no longer exists. The American government is loyal solely to giant corporations and their wealthy capitalist owners who so easily influence legislative decisions.

Israel’s Netanyahu Was Imported by GOP to Ensure a War With...

John Boehner secretly invited Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Washington to help him craft a super-majority in Congress to join his veto over-ride effort of Obama's new sanctions on Iran. Will he succeed?


IDF issues evacuation order to 100,000 in Rafah as looming assault sparks fear of...

Israel Defense Forces order more than 100,000 Palestinians to evacuate Rafah ahead of an impending military offensive, despite warnings of humanitarian catastrophe.

Brand loyalties dominate our life choices – but party brands are hardly created equal

Sorry, but a convicted scoundrel struggling to stay out of jail only to become a fascist commando sounds like a miracle way to lose.

New era of inequality: Billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class

Economist Gabriel Zucman's analysis reveals that for the first time, U.S. billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans, sparking a renewed debate on wealth tax.

“Full-Blown Famine” ravages northern Gaza, U.N. official declares amid prolonged conflict

Nearly seven months into the Gaza conflict, the World Food Program warns of a spreading famine in the north, intensifying humanitarian crises despite increased aid efforts.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.