Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tag: Dennis Hastert

Former House Speaker Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison

Before Dennis Hastert was House Speaker he worked as a teacher and wrestling coach, during which time he sexually abused several of his male students.

Dennis Hastert, Nancy Pelosi and America’s ‘Family Values’

While Liberals and Conservatives both "care about families and children," Liberals' humane policies do more to help families over the "selfish and self-righteous approach of the Republican right." Where's America's family values?

The Real Scandal in Denny Hastert’s Life

Hastert openly traded legislative favors for campaign cash, including profiting personally from his powerful position. And, when he was squeezed out because of the corruption, he didn't return to the home folks — he became a K-Street lobbyist, continuing to profit to this day by doing corporate favors.

Former House Speaker Charged with Concealing Blackmail Payments

Dennis Hastert, former House Speaker, was indicted for covering up large bank transactions and lying to the FBI. Forced to cover up past misconduct through blackmail payments, is Hastert squeaky clean reputation now tainted?


Earth on the brink: 25 of 35 vital signs reach record extremes, scientists warn...

These findings emphasize the severity of the climate crisis and outline a global emergency that requires immediate action to avert catastrophic consequences.

Whitehouse report reveals Trump White House manipulated FBI Kavanaugh investigation, ignored 4,500 tips

According to the report, the FBI was directed by the White House to conduct only a small number of interviews, focusing on a limited group of witnesses.

‘The first live-streamed genocide’: Al Jazeera exposes war crimes filmed by Israeli troops themselves

We play excerpts from the film Investigating War Crimes in Gaza, now available online, and speak to two of the journalists involved in its production, director Richard Sanders and Gaza-based correspondent Youmna ElSayed.

Saving the bumblebee starts with changing our farming practices

We are the cause of the bumblebee decline—and the solution.

Debunking 10 lies about Syria and Assad

If Americans and Europeans don’t understand the true motives and facts about the Syrian war, they will be lead into calamitous military adventures and destructive global wars in the near future.