Saturday, May 11, 2024

Tag: Donald Trump

GOP Candidates Break Silence on Planned Parenthood Shootings

Several Republican candidates broke their silence on the shootings that took place in Colorado Springs. All three candidates took the opportunity to further show their opposition to Planned Parenthood.

Donald Trump’s Call for Spying on U.S. Muslims Recalls FBI Bugging...

Mr. Trump is correct that “it has been done before.” The question is whether it ought to have been done before, whether it was constitutional when it was done before.

Five Prerequisites for War Against ISIS

As we move toward war against ISIS, we must be vigilant – to fairly allocate the burdens of who’s called on to fight the war, to protect civil liberties, to protect innocent civilians abroad, to avoid hate and bigotry, and to fairly distribute the cost of paying for war.

If Donald Trump Would Track Muslims and Close Mosques, What Would...

Trump’s increasingly erratic pronouncements are part of a steady escalation of frightening rhetoric in the Republican presidential campaign.

Iowa Gulls Set World Record for Getting Conned

Some said it couldn't be done, that the party of Trump would not find another, far more outlandish, dangerous and ignorant candidate. And yet Trump's numbers are falling as the new hero of the rightwing fundamentalists, Ben Carson, claws his way on top. That his mountain of mendacity hasn't cut short his 15 minutes of fame is the subject of this essay, not without glimmering moments of satire. Here's the latest winner of the Rogue Rubber Chicken award for national gullibility.

Donald Trump Supports Registry, Special Identification for Muslim Americans

Donald Trump expressed this week that he would support forcing American Muslims to carry special identification showing their faith. The presidential candidate also supports forcing Muslim Americans to be registered in a database.

The Perils of Circus Politics

No opinion leader any longer commands enough broad-based respect to influence a majority of the public. Circus politics may be fun to watch, but it’s profoundly dangerous for America and the world.

VIDEO: The Four Big Lies About Immigrants—and the Truth

While Donald Trump “opened the floodgates to lies about immigration,” Robert Reich uncovers these myths and explores the truth behind immigration and the government’s comprehensive immigration reform.

Yes, George W Bush Bears Some Responsibility for US Vulnerability on...

While George W. Bush loyalists’ refrain that he “kept us safe,” the Bush administration could have done more to forestall 9/11. Did the Bush gang cynically use 9/11 to take America to war on false pretenses?

Obama’s Kabuki Theater

Does the 17th-century Japanese art form sum up the White House's production of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? If we're talking about elaborate sets and costuming, rhythmic dialogue and stylized acting, then we would have to say so.


Iceland opens biggest operational CO2 plant in the world

The plant, named Mammoth, is the second commercial facility opened by the company to aid in the reduction of fossil fuel emissions to combat the effects of climate change.

War culture hates the ethical passion of the young

Young people have dared to lead the way, insisting that such a culture of death is repugnant and completely unacceptable.

Europe braces for the next Ukraine

If both the European Union and the United States—increasingly dominated by far-right politicians—allow Bosnia to fall apart, that will send a strong signal to Russia about the likely fate of Ukraine.

New reports highlight urgency to shield Medicare and Social Security from GOP cuts

Recent government trustee reports underscore the vitality of Medicare and Social Security, sparking a fierce debate over the future of these programs under potential Republican governance.

NYC’s Riders Alliance has a vision for a better, safer subway with less policing

A Q&A on how the alliance is organizing riders for new community investments and how they’re pushing back against regressive narratives about public safety in the city and state.