Tag: drug prices
How taxpayer money provides the research for Big Pharma
Public money and public universities boost Big Pharma’s profits, so shouldn’t the public be able to afford the drugs?
Tom Price intervened on rule that would hurt drug profits, the...
While in Congress, HHS Secretary Tom Price acted to help kill a rule that would hurt drug company profits shortly after his broker bought him up to $90,000 worth of pharmaceutical stock.
STUDY: How TV news ignores the prescription drug price problem
A Media Matters review of weekday evening news coverage reveals the evening programs largely ignored the problem of escalating prescription drug prices.
These 13 Democrats joined with the GOP to defeat Bernie Sanders’...
There is something seriously iffy about the Democrats that voted “nay.”
Cigna drops EpiPen as CVS sells less expensive generic
“The Democratic Party has got to stand up to the greed of the pharmaceutical industry.”
Drug prices likely to rise in Trump Administration
If drug costs continue to rise, it’s a good bet that Pharma will benefit far more than people with Medicare.
Big Pharma Preps to Spend Hundreds of Millions to Keep Drug...
"PhRMA's decision to hike membership dues 50 percent will increase the trade group's considerable coffers to more than $300 million per year," Politico reports
Bernie Sanders Questions Staggering Price of Cancer Drug
“Members of Congress can no longer allow the drug companies to charge our people the highest prices in the world. We have to make a stand.”
How the President Can Curb Big Pharma Greed
Rep. Pocan’s letter urges President Obama to “use executive action and take concrete steps” to address the drug cost crisis, and lists three tools that the president can use.
Watch Bernie Sanders Go Off on Rising Prescription Drug Prices
"I would hope that my Republican colleagues listen to the American people and get their priorities right."