Monday, May 6, 2024

Tag: health

America’s health is in the hands of GOP frat boys

Trump and his Republican allies don’t care about health care. They’re just out to look busy and cut taxes for the rich.

Field test of GMO algae sparks outrage

Billions of taxpayer dollars have been invested in developing algae biofuels that have yet to be commercially viable.

Women’s health is on the chopping block, again

Defunding Planned Parenthood could cause a national health crisis for low-income women – and men, too.

World’s first plastic fishing company wants to rid the oceans of...

The technique has utilized thousands of littered plastic bottles.

Popular farm pesticide found in drinking water

Though the study was exclusive to Iowa, it could have far-reaching effects on the entire U.S.

2017 world health day

Not only individuals need to be cured for their invisible ills, but also society itself is in need of urgent renewal.

It’s official: KFC goes drug-free to fight superbug crisis

The transition to responsible antibiotics use in the chicken industry has happened in the span of just four years, proving that where there is a will, there is a way.

Environmental protection head rejects ban on chemical insecticide

The chemical is currently used on over 40,000 farms in the U.S.

Republicans, obsessed with gutting Obamacare, other social programs: That’s called committing...

It will be time for these politicians that have no vision to begin writing their political obituaries, because they will face political extinction in the elections of 1018 and 2020.

While one Louisiana town’s lead-tainted water system is replaced, dozens of...

Federal help available to states for upgrading water systems is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed across the country.


Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president's portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents.

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.

Unveiling the titans of carbon: How 57 companies drive the global climate crisis

The quest to curb emissions becomes not just a matter of individual or national effort but a pressing need for accountability at the corporate level.

Ukraine, Israel, and the incoherence of US foreign policy

The legislation that emerges from the U.S. Congress is often as ugly and unappetizing as the process that created it.