Friday, May 10, 2024

Tag: health

Removing Artificial Ingredients Helped Turn Around Cereal Sales

General Mills is selling more Cheerios, Lucky Charms, and other products, reversing losses suffered last year.

Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene For All by 2030

“Millions of people should not have to wait for years to have safe water, proper toilets and better hygiene.”

We Know Nature Makes Us Happier. Now Science Says It Makes...

New studies show being in nature may increase your willingness to be generous, trusting, and helpful toward others.

GMA Found Guilty of $11 Million Cover Up in GMO Labeling...

In a decision made public late Friday, a Thurston County Superior Court judge ruled the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association violated Washington campaign finance disclosure laws by shielding the identities of major corporate donors funding efforts to defeat a food labeling initiative in Washington.

You Don’t Matter to Drugmakers

Big pharma executives are going all out to paint themselves as the good guys — just not to you.

Monsanto Feels the Bern as Sanders Turns Focus to GMO Labeling

U.S. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has turned his focus to supporting GMO labeling and attacking Monsanto’s interests this week after Hillary Clinton’s love of GMOs was recently confirmed by the Gates Foundation.

Monsanto to Cut 3,600 Jobs as Public Protests Continue to Stymie...

Monsanto’s corruption seems to be catching up with them as sales drop and protests continue to hold them responsible for the dangers of GMOs.

Bernie Blocks Obama’s Big Pharma FDA Nominee

Bernie Sanders does not approve of President Obama’s FDA nominee.

Bernie Sanders Calls for Repealing the Hyde Amendment

Bernie encourages repeal of Hyde Amendment which bans federal funding from covering abortion services.

WHO Announces Processed Meat Causes Cancer

According to the World Health Organization, it now classifies processed meats as a major cause of cancer, alongside cigarettes. Will this newest development encourage Americans to cutback on their meat intake?


US senators threaten ICC with sanctions if Israeli officials are targeted

This stern admonition, aimed directly at the ICC's prosecutor, comes as the court contemplates charges against Israeli officials for alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

New reports highlight urgency to shield Medicare and Social Security from GOP cuts

Recent government trustee reports underscore the vitality of Medicare and Social Security, sparking a fierce debate over the future of these programs under potential Republican governance.

‘Stop weaponizing antisemitism’: Police ‘body-slam’ Jewish Dartmouth prof. at campus Gaza protest

This comes as more than 50 chapters of the American Association of University Professors have issued a statement condemning the violent arrests by police at campus protests.

Gray whale sighting off New England coast marks fifth documented observation outside Pacific

In a rare event, the New England Aquarium aerial survey team spotted a gray whale 30 miles south of Nantucket.

Renewable energy surpasses 30% of global electricity supply for first time ever

According to Ember’s executive summary of the report, record solar and wind construction in 2023 means “a new era of falling fossil generation is imminent.”