Tag: JPMorgan
‘Turning a blind eye’: Elizabeth Warren blasts Federal Reserve for letting...
A JPMorgan whistleblower said the world’s biggest bank was misreporting its trading activity, which could have inflated its earnings by billions of dollars and added millions to executive pay packages.
‘Shame on you’: Indigenous campaigners demand JPMorgan end fossil fuel finance
The major American bank is helping fund the Coastal Gaslink pipeline, which threatens First Nation lands in Canada.
Nabbing Financial Felons
The government can't stop corporate crime until it starts charging the financial felons for the crimes they oversaw. It's time the banksters themselves feel the heat.
Wall Street Banks on Buying the Democrats’ Love
Big money is threatening the Democratic party by saying that major campaign donations are dependent on “a friendlier attitude toward the banks.” This just shows what little respect banks actually have.
A Bailed-Out Banker Lectures About Fairness
James Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase is complaining that “banks are under assault.” But America’s largest Wall Street empire has illegally deceived and cheated its way to the top. Dimon should be grateful he’s not in jail.