Tag: justice system
Trump-appointed judges continue assault on workers’ rights by undermining NLRB
In a move that could reshape labor rights across the country, these judges are granting preliminary injunctions to companies that argue the NLRB’s structure violates the U.S. Constitution.
Trump, the felon, has been making a complete fool out of...
The political destruction of Trump who, as a candidate for president is the greatest insult to our democracy and our Constitution and to the U.S. court system that has constantly bent to him and given him one free pass after another.
‘Out of control’: Sanders calls for urgent Supreme Court reform following...
Bernie Sanders calls for immediate reforms to the Supreme Court, citing recent rulings that grant presidential immunity and criminalize homelessness as threats to democracy and justice.
If not courts, juries and the rule of law, then what?
If America is battered, even demoted as a world power, then what?
Donald Trump and OJ Simpson
"It can be hard to keep all these clearly guilty sociopaths straight.”
The Supreme Court is corrupt. Let’s fix it.
And they wonder why their public approval rating—and legitimacy—are in the ditch!
Former Philadelphia judge of elections convicted on bribery charges
Domenick DeMuro received multiple bribes from an unidentified political consultant working on behalf of several candidates in exchange for stuffing the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes.
Political fundraiser admits to bribing LA City Councilmember
The Councilmember reportedly agreed to help the developer’s real estate project in exchange for a $500,000 bribe.
Congressman pleads guilty to stealing campaign funds
“This is not a case about mismanagement, or sloppy accounting, or ‘mistakes,' Duncan Hunter intentionally took money that did not belong to him and used it for his own benefit.”
Payback? The arrest of Max Blumenthal
The way Blumenthal’s arrest was handled should send a chill down our collective spines because it shows a widening war on left-wing journalists and whistle-blowers that is remarkably resilient to changes in government.