Tag: Latin America
Trump Administration inherits SOUTHCOM’s expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean
This initiative reflects Washington’s continued influence in the region, reinforcing a modern interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine.
Latin America’s new new left
The recent election in Colombia has produced new hope for the country--and for the whole region.
Building a post-extractivist future for Latin America
The choice is between top-down "Green growth" and bottom-up efforts to transform economies.
Waiting at the border, migrants lean on tradition
One early afternoon, Sandra Vázquez sits on an old metal bench outside a bus station, next to two other women who, like...
Ending Latin America’s sewage decade
The victory of Xiomara Castro in Honduras is a sign that region is ready to exit its lost decade.
Era of US domination of Latin America coming to an end
As U.S. empire fades, so might the Monroe Doctrine come to an end.
A Review of Marcelo Gullo’s book: “International Relations: A Critical Theory...
The book: “Relaciones internacionales: Una teoría crítica desde la periferia sudamericana” (International Relations: a Critical Theory from the South American periphery) contains...
Rep. Ilhan Omar applauded for grilling Elliott Abrams over role in...
"I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful."
Argentina Senate votes against legalizing abortion
The support for pro-abortion rights legislation won't fade away and activists will continue to push for the passing of such a bill to happen one day soon.
The anti-corruption revolution
Global uprisings against corruption can fuse middle-class concerns over the rule of law to a more radical critique of unequal political systems.