Friday, February 7, 2025

Tag: media

Williams Incident: Reagan and Bush Lied About Military Records but Got...

Many conservatives are currently criticizing NBC nightly news anchor Brian Williams for embellishing an experience he had at the beginning of the Iraq War. These same conservatives, however, continue idolizing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush who “embellished” a lot of stories in wartime.

Eight NFL Scandals Worse Than ‘Deflategate’

Football has become America's pastime, but it's time the sports reporters start covering real NFL scandals and stop focusing on non-stories such as "deflategate." Here are a few leads for reporters to chase.

Terrorism: Where Lies the Greatest Blame?

When will this government understand that there is a direct correlation between military hubris and terrorism? When will it stop creating its own enemies?

Paris Terrorist Was Radicalized by Bush’s Iraq War and Abu Ghraib...

Having American troops occupy Iraq for 8 years, humiliating its citizens and torturing people in military prisons, was a bad idea. Did Bush and Cheney model for the Kouashi brothers how you take what you want and rub out people who get in your way?

Charlie Hebdo Shooting: 12 Killed in Attack on French Satirical Magazine...

Charlie Hebdo has repeatedly claimed it publishes the cartoons as a defender of free expression and against religious extremism. This was the worst of its kind in terms of attacks on journalists in Europe.

Philadelphia Inquirer Pimps for Philly Cop Chief

The Philadelphia Inquirer was shamelessly pimped for the brutal and murderous Philadelphia Police Department. Has the Inquirer, once one of the country's best papers, become such a shameless apologist for the powerful?

Cold-War-Style Propaganda Posing as News at the New York Times

The Times has written a lot of verbiage about the controversial Keystone XL pipeline along with being a shameless promoter of war. Have we reached a nadir in journalism here in the U.S.?


White House announces 53rd state!

"Mr. President, are there any plans for a 53rd state now that stars for Canada and Gaza have been officially added to the flag?"

Renaming The Gulf of Mexico isn’t a laughing matter but part of a US...

It reflects a disregard for historical truth, an aggressive assertion of U.S. superiority, and the continuation of exploitative colonialist practices that harm both the environment and Latin American people.

Trump administration orders USDA and Forest Service to remove climate change references, suppressing critical...

The systematic erasure of climate change information from government websites threatens scientific transparency, public safety, and environmental policy.

Google abandons AI ethics pledge as Trump pushes for military AI expansion

“Is this as terrifying as it sounds?”

Tesla paid zero federal income tax in 2024 while GOP pushes more corporate tax...

Musk’s trillion-dollar company paid nothing in federal taxes while working Americans foot the bill.