Tag: military
Washington’s Military Addiction
But don’t bother to blame the politicians and national security nabobs in Washington for this. They’re addicts. They can’t help themselves.
More Steps Toward WW III
“On April 25th, Obama personally asked the leaders of Germany, France, UK, and Italy, to contribute to the increased NATO troops and weapons near Russia’s Baltic borders.”
We Live or Die Alone and Together
“Save some gratitude for those who preserve life or provide you with the goods of life and stop the overweening, abject displays of mewling groveling at the altar of militarism.”
What’s the Meaning of Failure?
The dishonesty of words illustrates the dishonesty of America’s wars.
How Not to Audit the Pentagon
Five decades later, the military waste machine Is running full speed ahead.
The Wars in Our Schools
In 2015, the U.S. government spent $598 billion on the military, more than half of its total discretionary budget, and nearly 10 times what it spent on education.
The Lie of Patriotism
A U.S. ranger who served in Afghanistan and a Marine who was in Iraq put light on the dangerous myth that America has built around its "warriors." Now, in acts of civil disobedience, they are determined to right the wrongs of war.
A Force Unto Itself
A military force effectively unaccountable to the people tears at the very fabric of the Constitution, which is at pains to mandate firm and complete control over the military by Congress, acting in the people’s name.
Pentagon Excess Has Fueled a Civil-Military Crisis
We must ask whether an institution, the military, supposedly endowed with supernal character by objective circumstances, is to master us, or we to master it by determining for ourselves what it properly is and does.
Burn Pits, Climate Change and the US Military
While it’s obvious that the Democratic candidates are much better on these issues than the four Republicans still seeking their party’s nomination, the media needs to take a share of the blame for so rarely bringing up the topic.